As events in the Middle East continue to unravel, with the Arab Spring quickly becoming the winter...
Yesterday marked the eleventh anniversary of the attacks on America of September 11th, 2001; it also marked...
Dear Friends, Today marks the 11th anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001. While the years...
We’ve all heard of the little engine that could, and how he chugged and chugged and chugged...
For starters, they’re both factually challenged, or, in other words, they have some degree of difficulty telling...
Since the passage of ObamaCare in 2009 Americans have, by large percentages, favored a complete repeal and...
As the Democratic National Convention gavels to order in Charlotte, NC, they will usher in a new...
All of you who know me know how much I hate pure political pandering and hollow rhetoric....