1 thought on “The Perfect Fiscal Storm is Nearing

  1. At the outset in 2007 when we learned about Ron Paul, the talk of End the Fed and then Audit the Fed seemed odd. After all, wasn’t “The Fed” a federal agency that was working only to keep unemployment to a bare minimum? Oh, it’s not a government agency, it’s a private banking cartel. Sound money? Isn’t our money the “world’s reserve currency” and therefor as sound as it gets?

    Then we were told that inflation of 1to 2 percent per year is good for the economy only to find out that the dollar of 1913 when the Federal Reserve was re-born, is now worth only 4 cents. Ron Paul called inflation the cruelest tax of all b/c it hits those on fixed incomes the hardest.
    The quarter minted in 1964 is worth $3.57 today for it’s silver content alone.

    There are 2 competing economic theories, the free market as promoted by “Austrian” economists like F.A. Hayek and embraced by conservatives, or the “Keynesian” system of a government controlled and manipulated economy. The Federal Reserve is believed to be to source of all of our economic misery by those who understand the true free market.

    Still confused? New to what Josh Kimbrell’s excellent article is trying to get across? Watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk

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