5 thoughts on “A Secular Free Republic? That’s an Oxymoron.

  1. Josh,
    I completely agree with this. I enjoy listening to your show on my way to work in the mornings. Keep up the good work. I appreciate what you’re doing.


    1. I agree. I’d atalcluy go farther, and say that all of the Supreme Court cases since Lemon v Kurtzman and Abington v. Schemp circa 1962 based on a wall of separation between church and state are wrongly decided, because there is no such provision in the first amendment or anywhere else in the Constitution, and because praying in public schools, and reading from the Bible in public schools clearly does not even begin to approach an establishment of religion . Whereas, as Dr. Right correctly points out, by banning prayer, religion and the Bible, and instead substituting secularism, the regime instituted since 1962 in fact is tantamount to an establisment of relgion, a religion of securalism, atheism and moral relativity. It’s nice to think that a society can be based on laws without norms, but without normative values based and grounded in God or natural law, it’s hard to see what the moral underpinnings of justice or a righteous society can be. After all, the Nazis had due process if you were accused of being Jewish, you had a right to a hearing, a right to an attorney, and the right to prove you were not, in fact, Jewish. The fact that the entire law and legal system under which such trials were held was an outrageous affront to God and morality did not occur to these people, because they were operating in a secular environment. These are the kind of weird and perverse results you can get in a value-neutral system.Also, nearly all great literature and social science literature, as well as nearly all great psychological works, including great writers like Jung, Freud and others, as well as all of the great musical works, depend to an enormous degree on a comprehensive understanding of the Bible and the Judeo-Christian tradition. It would be impossible, for example, to teach Jungian psychology in an intro psych class in high school unless the class had a firm grasp of both the Old and New Testaments, and Jung’s relationship to them both. Melville’s Moby Dick is another book that depends entirely upon one’s understanding of the Bible, and in particular the understanding of the prophet Elijah’s struggles with the King Ahab, to appreciate the book’s extensive symbolism and metaphor. In order to teach the book, one must teach the Old Testament stories that background the Book. These are only a few rudimentary examples. That crime rates and deviant behavior are reduced sharply among church going and hard studying young people is only another argument for bringing back the old and obliterating the new. The fact is that the old system was a good system, and it should be brought back. Courts have no right and no power to legislate for us, and the vast majority of Americans want and wish to see school prayer brought back to Public Schools.

  2. Just look at secular Europe, where the people are all too willing to ceding their liberty to the government.
    I recall years ago there was a heat wave in Paris and tens of thousands of elderly people died of heat exhaustion because their children and grandchildren stayed on vacation at the beach and didnt look after them.

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