1 thought on “We’ve Bailed-Out Before

  1. Hello Mr. Kimbrell, I like you article.
    My thoughts, first, I would like to add. The Dawes Plan brought Europe economy back after WWI. The main reason was to stop the growth of Communism. The U.S. found the same problem after WWII, except they knew no one would buy any bonds. So the U.S. sent the printing plates that printed money to Germany. It is said that Germany printed over two billion dollars of our money. We then dumped a lot of money in Japan. The biggest give away of U.S. dollars has been to Taiwan in the economical war with China.

    Point, he taxpayers have always paid. But the players are not the government they are private banks. In Germany it is the Bundesbank.

    The banks biggest fear is communism.

    Religion, in ancient Egypt every twenty to thirty years they would have to rebalance nature. This is because man used greed and got the world out of balance. To balance the world they would redistribute the wealth and bring the world back into balance and the people could be happy again.

    We missed our opportunity to rebalance when we bailed out the banks. The greed is still there bigger than ever. I am afraid it is going to get worse

    Take care,

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